
Everything about the paranormal.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Paranormal Activity at Bobby Mackey's Music World

Sorry that I didn't post yesterday. I was doing a project for school.

I've already told you about the past, now get ready for the present.
Bobby Mackey's Music World is one of the most highly active paranormal place. Ghost Adventures even had fear of returning.

The entity of Alonzo Walling has appeared. An apparition of the headless woman, Pearl, has appeared to people. A psychic has seen Scott Jackson yelling at the Pearl without her head, saying that it is all her fault.  Pearl is fretting, as she holds her head in her hands, "My head, my head!" The entity of the little girl appeared in the basement, and threw rocks at the humans. The entity of the boy, whom was killed by the thugs, appears in the basement as well. The entity of Joanna has been seen by the living on stage behind Bobby Mackey when he is performing with his band. She has been seen in other places around the building too. Her floral perfume is experienced by the living.
Water faucets and the lights turn on and off by themselves.When the wife of an employee walked into the building, the unplugged jukebox began playing, "The Anniversary song," which wasn't even in the jukebox.  It was probably Pearl or Johanna.
Pregnant women are picked on by Johanna. When they brought the place, Bobby's pregnant wife, Janet, became the object of harassment by Johanna. One was that she was grabbed around the waist and thrown down to the ground and something pushed her from behind as she scurried down the stairs. She heard a disembodied female voice yelling at her, "Get out, get out, get out!" She doesn't like to go into that place again.
Who can forget about Carl Lawson, whom is the former caretaker, was possessed by the spirits and had to go through an exorcism.  Entities have been seen by psychics hanging around the mechanical bull area and the caretakers' apartment.
Entities have been known to start fights in the night club by poking, touching people and pulling hair.When a set up person accidentally dropped a chair, pounding came from the catwalk continued until she left. A loud, animated band irritated the entities was throwing things at them from the ceiling.

Bobby Mackey isn't the type of person to believe ghosts, but now he doesn't know what to believe.

Ghost Adventures has went to Bobby Mackey's on one of their first lockdowns. They have gotten scathed by them. They also had things follow them home. They returned again, but this time Aaron has gotten possessed.

Bobby Mackey's Music World was nicknamed "Hell's Gate." Douglas Hensley has wrote a book about the paranormal activity that take place there.

Bobby Mackey has also wrote a song about Johanna, which of course is called "Johanna." It tells about some of the dark history that took place there. Here is the song with the lyrics:

This place has a sign in the front warning everyone about the ghosts. It says "This establishment is proported to be haunted. Management is not responsible and cannot be held liable for any actions of any ghosts/spirits on the premises." I've put a picture of it on my last post.

To learn more watch this video.

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